
1.    General

Hi User! Tappster Ltd. (‘We’,‘us’, Company’ or ‘Tappster’) values your privacy and wishes to let you know how it handles your personal information.

This Privacy Policy explains which personal information is collected about you via our ‘Services’, collectively referencing the services we provide through the Tappster app (hereinafter the ‘App’),and how we use and process the personal information we collect.

Use of the App, including any content and/or service that appears in it, constitutes acceptance of thisPrivacy Policy, which is an integral part of the Company's Terms & Conditions, and may be updated from time to time (together hereinafter the ‘Agreement’).

2.    What does Tappster do?

Tappster is an app that provides anew experience and allows you (our Users) to self-pour your draught beer,control the amount and type of beer you pour and to pay for it, all through and within this App. For more information please see our Terms & Conditions.

3.    Children

The Services are not directed to individuals under the legal drinking age in the country where they consume theServices. Tappster does not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the legal drinking age. If you are a parent of an individual under the legal drinking age and believe your child has provided personal information to Tappster, please contact us at

4.    What kind of information do we collect as a Business?

While using the App or the Services,you may provide us with the following personal information:

1.       Contact information upon registration – name, email, age, location, photocopy of an identity document, real time photograph.

2.       Payment and Subscription details (for the avoidance of doubt – we do not store your raw credit card information).

In general, we may collect the following personal information on all users on the App:

1.       CustomerCare – feedbacks concerning the Services.

2.       Information regarding your use of the App – Usage frequency and manner, login attempts,user inputs to the App, interactions web pages, etc.

3.      Passive technical information such as the IP address of your end-point device.

5.    How do we use the information we collect?

We use the information collected above to provide our Services, operate the App, and provide customer care and assistance where needed. You are not obliged to provide any of the information above, but without it, we may not be able to grant you the use of the App or fully operate the Services.

The information collected may also be used to improve our Services and the App, create future services and products, based on our legitimate interests.

We may use your contact information to send you messages about new features, App updates, service updates, etc.

6.    Cookies

We use cookies and other online identifiers and tools on our App and our Services (together "cookies").In general, Cookies are small text files sent by a web server to your web browser/app and saved locally on your end-point device. The cookie allows the server to uniquely identify the browser on each page.

You can find more information about cookies and other online tracking technologies through the following websites:;

You can also find additional information on how we use tracking technologies by reading the cookies section on your browser's settings. For example, for those who use Google Chrome, go toSettings - Privacy and security – Content settings – Cookies – see All cookies.

Cookies set by the App owner (in this case, Tappster) are called "first-party cookies". Cookies set by parties other than the App owner are called "third-party cookies".Third-party cookies enable third party features or functionality to be provided on or through the App (e.g., advertising, interactive content, and analytics).Cookies are either set by us for our own purposes as described above in "What kind of information do we collect as a 'business'?" and "How do we use the information we collect?".

Types of Cookies:

There are 3 types of cookies used on the App: Essential, Analytical and Marketing.

·        Essential cookies are strictly necessary for the App to run smoothly and to provide our Services and are strictly implemented on the App by Tappster.


·        Analytical cookies are used by us throughout the App, to learn how you interact with content on the App and improve content and Services and enhance your future experience on the App.

·        Marketing cookies help us learn about your preferences and deliver advertising more suited to your needs.

Some cookies are removed when you close your browser session (temporary), other cookies last for longer periods(persistent) and can be used to recognize your device on different browsing sessions. You can view the expiry date of each cookie, through your browser settings. We may use cookies to remember your log-in details and make it easier for you to log in the next time you access the App.

Some Web browsers offer a "Do Not Track" (‘DNT’)signal. A DNT signal is an HTTP header field indicating your preference for tracking your activities on a service or through cross-site user tracking. OurServices and App do not respond to DNT signals.

7.    Retention of Information

We may retain your information for the period consistent with the original purpose of collection.

We may also retain your information as needed to pursue our purposes as described above, such as complying with legal and regulatory duties, resolving future or ongoing disputes, enforcing our agreements, and for various tax purposes and requirements.

We may keep aggregated non-identifiable information without limitation, and to the extent reasonable we will delete or de-identify potentially identifiable information when we no longer need to process the information.

8.    Sharing of information collected

We may share information, as follows:

For legal reasons

We may share your information if we reasonably believe that:

1.      It is necessary to comply with a legal process or inquiry (such as a court order, subpoena, or search warrant)or any other legal requirements of any governmental authority.

2.      It would potentially mitigate our liability in an actual or potential lawsuit.

3.      It is necessary to enforce this privacy policy or our Terms & Conditions.

4.      It is necessary to investigate and prevent unauthorized charges or other illegal activities.

5.      It is otherwise necessary or appropriate to protect our rights or property or the rights or property of any other person or entity.

With our Service providers

We use service providers, who assist us in making our Services available. These service providers are contractually obligated to act on our behalf and per our instructions, with regards to the information that they receive from us. For example, we may share information with third parties who provide services to us, such as AWS (Amazon Web Services). These third parties may access, process,and/or store our (and in turn your) information while providing their services to us, and they may vary from time to time.

Affiliates and Partners

We may share information that will not directly identify you personally, with our affiliates, subsidiaries, parent companies, partners, or other affiliates of Tappster to deliver and improve theServices and the App, or to produce future services and products.

Some of our partners are contractually allowed to use the information for their own purposes. We will not transfer your data to the mwithout your prior consent. These companies are:

1.       Central BottlingCompany

Where applicable, we suggest you read the aforementioned companies' privacy policies. The list will be updated from time to time.

Structural Changes

In any case of acquisition, merger,or any other structural change, we may share the information collected,provided that the said entity shall undertake the provisions of this PrivacyPolicy.

9.    Your rights

In respect of the collection and use of your personal data, you may:

1.      Review, access, modify, and make correct your information, all under the appropriate circumstances.

2.      Revoke your given consent at anytime, for example by opting out from the newsletter.

3.      Ask us for a copy of the PersonalData undergoing processing and ask to receive your Personal Data or transmit the Personal Data to another controller.

4.      Object to or restrict any for there processing and request the erasure of your Personal Data.

Exercising your rights:

1.      Contact us at: with your request and note 'Data Subject Request' in the header.

2.      We reserve the right to verify you rid entity before we process any request relating to your personal information.

3.      We may not and shall not discriminate against you for exercising any rights under the applicable law.

10.          How do We keep personal information secure?

Tappster implements security mechanisms to secure the information on the App. These security mechanisms are designed to reduce the risks of unauthorized access into Tappster's databases. However, they do not guarantee complete protection at all times. Therefore, the company does not guarantee that the App will be completely immune from unauthorized access and misuse of the information stored on it.

Tappster urges you to take steps to maintain the security of your personal information,including maintaining the secrecy of your password for accessing your device and your user account and logging out of your account after use. The Company shall not bear any responsibility for the disclosure of your user information, or for any misuse of your information resulting from the fact that you did not keep your username and password confidential, or that you did not update your password frequently.

Tappster is taking any reasonable action to keep your information safe. Nevertheless, Tappster is not responsible for any damages to the information, or to the functionality of the App, caused by reasons beyond its control, force majeure, cyber-attacks,pandemics, strikes, etc.

11.          InternationalTransfers

We may transfer, store, and process information about you on servers and data bases located outside of your country of residence, which could have different data protection rules than those of your country of residence or the country in which you were located when you initially provided the information. We may only do so in compliance with the applicable law.

12.          Miscellaneous

We recommend that you review this Privacy Policy periodically, as we may update it from time to time. Your actions via our Services and the App, as applicable,constitute your acknowledgment of the up-to-date privacy notice to the fullest extent permitted by law.

For any other inquiry, please contact us at We will do our best to reply within a reasonable time.